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Tumblebooks: Who Build the Pyramids?
Video: The Great Pyramid
NOVA Online/Pyramids—The Inside Story
Pyramids at Giza -- National Geographic
NOVA | Who Built the Pyramids?
Explore the Pyramids
The Egyptian Pyramid
Great Pyramid Mystery Solved!
Guardian's Giza - The Great Pyramid
The Seven Wonders: The Great Pyramid of Giza
Stonehenge & building basics
Video: Secrets of Stonehenge | Watch NOVA Online | PBS Video
Stonehenge settlement | Science News for Students
The Secrets of Stonehenge - Safeshare.TV
Stonehenge settlement | Science News for Students
Britannia: Stonehenge
Stonehenge, England
The UnMuseum - Stonehenge
Mysterious Places - Stonehenge
Stonehenge - Facts Quick and Easy for Students and Tourists - Stonehenge
Lost World of the Maya
Mystery of the Maya
Fall of the Mayan Empire
The Mayans Video - Maya - HISTORY.com
Ancient Mayan Facts and Information for Kids | KidsKonnect
Video: Mayan Pyramids of Chichen Itza - Safeshare.TV
Tumblebooks: What Happened to the Maya?
The Mayans and climate change | TIME.com
Collapse: The Maya
Welcome to Mayan Kids
What Happened to the Ancient Maya? (End of the Empire)
Yucatán Peninsula map
Exploring Mayan Mysteries | Scholastic.com
The Mayans TrueFlix
Collapse: The Maya
Easter Island: Time Warp Trio
Easter Island's Gigantic Statues
NOVA Easter Island
Easter Island Home Page
Secrets of Easter Island NOVA
History, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places | Smithsonian
Easter Island-Phineas and Ferb
WebQuest: Easter Island-The mysterious statues!: created with Zunal WebQuest Maker
Explore Easter Island