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Quick, Draw!
Brush Ninja | A FREE Hand-drawn Animated Gif creator.
Draw a Stickman
Etch a Sketch
Pixel Art
Rubik's Mosaic
How to use Google sheets to make Pixel art
Nova Skin Minecraft
Charlotte's Web: Make-Your-Own Comics | Scholastic.com
Sid the Science Kid . Drawing Journal | PBS KIDS
Elements of Art
Doodle Cubes :: Art Activity for Kids
Color Pixel Art Classic - Blocked at School
Matisse Interactive Museum Walk
Google Art Project
Spin Art
Marc Chagall
Crafts, Projects, Science Experiments, and Recipes for Moms with Young Children - Funology
Fun Crafts, Projects, Art, and Science
Arts & Crafts
Art Adventures | Games | Blue Balliett's Books | Scholastic.com
Kerpoof Studio
Fluid Simulator
Art Adventures | Games | Blue Balliett's Books | Scholastic.com
Harcourt Art
Create a Scene - Sunnykids Playground
ToonDoo - World's fastest way to create cartoons!
Scholastic.com|Captain Underpants: Click-o-rama
Girl Scouts | For Girls » Drag & Drop
Bitstrips - Free trial Comic maker
ReadWriteThink: Student Materials: Comic Creator
Sai-pancake examples
Get Smart Art
Flags of the World Coloring Pages, Printables, Jigsaws and Crafts!
Art Activities for Children - Arts and Crafts for Kids - JumpStart
Painting creative lesson eng
BBC - CBBC - Colour Factory
Painting Games | Learning Games For Kids
Comic Creator
Rodney Alan Greenblat - Whimsyload
Arts & Games | On T.V.
0 - 3 years : Coloring page, Videos for kids (page 6)
PaintGo | Kid's Coloring, Drawing, Stickers & Painting Activity
Tammy Yee's Origami Page- easy paper folding crafts for children.